About the part-time backpacker
Welcome to the B-side of travel blogs
Hi, I’m Andrew Denty. As you’ve probably already guessed, I’m fanatical about travel. When I’m not travelling (which, let’s face it is all of the time in 2021), I work as a Product Designer at The Org.
So what’s the point of this blog?
If this blog has any point at all (which is debatable), it is to capture the essence of what I love about travel.
I will focus on writing about places other travel blogs don’t cover (because they’re busy chasing popular search keywords). It won’t offer an exhaustive guide to everything you can do at any particular destination but may share some highlights, or some obscure point of interest.
This blog will serve in some ways as a personal journal. A way of remembering details of trips that photos alone can’t preserve. Let’s keep the expectations low.
How we got here
I originally created The Part-time Backpacker back in 2014 with a clear mission: to share tips for seeing “as much of the world as possible without quitting your job.”
I suspected that for many people, the biggest impediment to how much of the world they could explore was their time away from work. This blog would help everyone make the most of their free time (and money).
There was a problem though. There are a million similar travel blogs. Some bloggers even dedicate their entire lives to writing and building a business out of travel blogs.
I realised that in order to make a success of this blog I’d have to devote a significant amount of time to regularly crank out content that my heart just wasn’t in. I just don’t enjoy writing the kind of content that’s good for SEO. Sure, “Top 10” articles are great if you’re researching a weekend break, but they’re really not optimised for being enjoyable to read (or write).
These kind of articles also proliferate honeypot tourism, whereby everyone visits the same overhyped attractions. The result is everyone has the same, overcrowded experience.
So, this is where we are today: a blog mostly about lesser-known places and enjoyable experiences.
Welcome to the B-side of travel blogs. As they say, come on in, the water’s lovely.
Find me here
Website - andrewdenty.com
Instagram - @andrewdenty
Twitter - @andrewdenty
The Org - Andrew Denty
Crossing the Gulf of Nicoya in Costa Rica
The water really is lovely…